[最も選択された] swirling 467227-Swirling currents drop

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The swirling rumors surrounding Richard Pitino and Gopher basketball As we head into the Big Ten Tournament, there are certainly rumors about Richard Pitino's job statusSwirl definition is to move with an eddying or whirling motion How to use swirl in a sentenceMake a wish and catch a falling, swirling star this year for 21!

In August 14, satellites observed a swirling mass with a quiet center more than 125 miles above the North Pole Advertisement Whereas regular hurricanes churn air, this space hurricane was anSatellites observed a swirling storm above the magnetic north pole in 14 It was the first space hurricane ever spotted, according to a new studySwirling adj adjective Describes a noun or pronounfor example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house" (spiralling, twisting) qui tourbillonne loc adj locution adjectivale groupe de mots qui servent d'adjectif

Swirl (swûrl) v swirled, swirl·ing, swirls vintr 1 To move with a twisting or whirling motion;0 {{featured_button_text}} Dan Lindner, a host at Amerisports Bar and Grill at theSwirling by Flow Focus your breathing and settle your swirling thoughts in this calming mindfulness exercise Keep Moving With GoNoodle GoNoodle is free for teachers, parents, and kids!

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Swirling的意思、解釋及翻譯:1 present participle of swirl 2 to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement, or to make。了解更多。Fluctuation loss is an effect seen in radar systems as the target object moves or changes its orientation relative to the radar system It was extensively studied during the 1950s by Peter Swerling, who introduced the Swerling models to allow the effect to be simulated For this reason, it is sometimes known as Swerling loss or similar names The effect occurs when the target's physical sizeMake a wish and catch a falling, swirling star this year for 21!

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Get moving with 300 dance videos, mindfulness activities, and more engaging videos for kids!Eddy See Synonyms at turn 2 To be dizzy or disoriented 3 To be arranged in a spiral, whorl, or twist vtr 1 To cause to move with a twisting or whirling motion swirled the drink with her straw 2 To form into or arrange in a spiral, whorl, orSew along with Kimberly and make this scrappy quilt today Finished size 665" x 5" Fat Quarter Shop has a large selection of free PDF patterns Download one today!

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When it comes to extreme weather, it's safe to say a "space hurricane" qualifies Scientists said last week they observed a previously unknown phenomenon — a 6milewide swirling mass of plasma that roiled for hours in Earth's upper atmosphere, raining electrons instead of water The researchersSwirling is an attempt to assess donated platelets for the presence of a moving, varied color appearance when backlit The principle behind swirling is that viable platelets in an "unactivated" state have a discoid appearance, and that shape causes light to be scattered in multiple different directions (this is really pretty coollooking;Swirling is a very worthwhile read for anyone interested about the subject It's both eye opening and honest Highly recommended reading Read more 21 people found this helpful Helpful Report abuse Celeste 50 out of 5 stars I prefer Christelyn's writing style, but the entire book is a great read!

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Check out this cool YouTube video)Swirl Interracial DatingReady to date different?To move quickly with a twisting, circular movement, or to make something do this The fog swirled thickly around us Swirl a little oil around the frying pan

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